In the year in which Portugal celebrates 50 years of democracy, the Imaginarius festival, which chooses the streets as a privileged stage for multiple transformations, like the makers of the April revolution, could not “appropriate” any other theme for its 2024 edition than that of Freedom.
Freedom individual and collective, artistic and creative, cultural and religious, of thought and expression, of movement and circulation, of identity and gender.
Freedom so often threatened, questioned, scrutinized, gagged or simply annihilated in various geographies.
Freedom that urgently needs to be preserved, strengthened, rescued or conquered.
Freedom which follows the Dream (theme of the 2023 edition) and precedes Progress (theme of the 2025 edition).
The promotional image for this edition was born from the multiple dimensions of Freedom, as reflected in the 2024 programme.
Discreetly, the iconic Imaginarius moon, which has accompanied successive editions of the festival, observes a striking female face, whose mouth proclaims the word, in an allusion to freedom of expression and gender.
Other elements inspired by some of the programme’s outstanding performances give shape to a sober but intense image, full of symbolism.
The container, the piano, the sofa, the acrobat, the dancers and the androgynous character “hide” messages of freedom and liberation that invite discovery, before, during and after the festival.

In the 23rd edition of Imaginarius nothing will be taboo. Under the sign of Freedom, the festival prepares for the deepest and most cathartic celebration that human beings can experience.
Over the course of four days, art and creativity will flow through the streets and squares of the stage city of Santa Maria da Feira to meet various audiences, who are also challenged to take part and discover.
Bold, provocative and transformative, Imaginarius has more than two decades of experience in promoting Street Arts in Portugal, maintaining a firm place in the circuit of similar international festivals.
› 4 days of programming
› 41 companies
› 190 artists
› 12 countries*
› 130 hours of content
› 41 shows/installations
› 144 presentations
› 33 Portuguese premieres
› 3 world premieres
› 3 Imaginarius creations
› 2 public art installations
› 15 stages
› 500 thousand euros of investment
*Germany, Belgium, Chile, Spain, France, Italy, Ireland, Mexico, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom, United States of America
Combining tradition and innovation, Imaginarius remains faithful to classic street theatre, clown, circus and performance on various stages of the festival, but continues to expand its programming offer in the field of media arts, presenting virtual reality and videomapping proposals, in addition to experimental projects, dance, music, contemporary circus and installations.