![telmo Telmo Ferreira [PT] - Houston, we have a problem 1](https://www.imaginarius.pt/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/telmo.jpg)
Telmo Ferreira [PT] – Houston, we have a problem
Telmo Ferreira [PT] – Houston, we have a problem
World Premiere | Imaginarius Creation
Movie clichés, scientific studies and statistics all tell us that our neglect and poor governance lead us to search for a new planet to inhabit, but the efforts made by science don’t make us prone to believe in the feasibility of this project. What if, through fiction, we could reach this planet that would save mankind? Would we be able to create a new society? Would we avoid the mistakes we made in our history? The answers will be given by two astronauts who have just arrived in that previously untrodden land.
This silent show resorts to the theatre of objects as an active tool for exploring techniques and tools of social survival, in multiple contexts. It is an adventure into the (un) known and our history.
Local: Igreja Matriz
Duration:30 minutos
Date | Hours
24 May | 9pm
25 May | 4.20pm, 9.10pm
26 May | 4.30pm, 10.50pm
Open rehearsal | 19 May | 3.30pm | Rio Meão