Vera Alvelos [PT]+Patrick Hubmann [AT, PT] 140 Mil Memórias
140 Mil Memórias
All Audiences | Free
World Premiere
Local: Municipal Market
Date | Hours
24, 25 and 26 May | 10am to Midnight
Are memories pieces of the past or seeds of the future? Are they watertight or in permanent evolution?
140 mil Memórias comes from the desire to find common, living, individual and collective memories that are part of the whole region of Santa Maria da Feira. The Market, a place of movement, exchanges and confluences, houses an artistic installation that results from a process of collecting stories, objects and images, which are treated as unique pieces of information and are a proof of the region’s diversity and richness.
Come to the market, a meeting place, to participate, deposit your memory, see, listen, travel and discover this exhibit and its 140 thousand memories.
Production: Imaginarius Creation Centre – Art and Public Space
Executive Producer: Ricardo Falcão
Multimedia team: João Azevedo and João Miguel Ferreira
Puxar o fio da memória
24, 25 and 26 May | 7.30pm, 10pm
Limited capacity
Performances for all audiences
Performances from the memories, stories and objects of the exhibit. Memories are like cherries, they come in pairs, and ideas come in a flash for you to share. These shows for all audiences unite the matter of the time to the creativity of today.
Abrir a pestana e piscar o olho à memória
24 and 25 May | 10am, 11am | School audiences
26 May | 10.30am, 11.30am | Families
Register by emailing
There is a facility in the market full of undiscovered memories and untold stories. To access them you have to keep your eyes open and roll up your sleeves. In the mornings of the festival we provide a number of activities for schools and the whole family, so come and take part!