Imaginarius OFF is a section of Imaginarius – International Street Theatre Festival that provides space for street artists who are interested in promoting their work in a festival environment, without being part of the official programme. The management of Imaginarius has defined a limited number of presentation locations for autonomous street artists.
The Imaginarius OFF areas will operate during 24 and 25 May, according to a specific schedule for each available performance location. Interested artists can apply for up to 2 presentations per day by filling in the application form available. Subject to the availability of locations, previously approved artistic projects can schedule more presentations on the same day with the Imaginarius team.
Fogaceiras Street
25 May | 2.30pm | 3.30pm | 4.30pm | 5.30pm | 6.30pm | 7.30pm | 8.30pm | 9.30pm
24 May | 2.30pm | 3.30pm | 4.30pm | 5.30pm | 6.30pm | 7.30pm | 8.30pm | 9.30pm
Dr. Vitorino de Sá Street – with power outlet
25 May | 2.30pm | 3.30pm | 4.30pm| 5.30pm | 6.30pm
24 May | 2.30pm | 3.30pm | 4.30pm| 5.30pm | 6.30pm

- scope
Imaginarius OFF is a section of Imaginarius – International Street Theatre Festival that gives space to street artists who are interested in promoting their work in a festival environment, without taking part in the official programme and respective communication.
The Imaginarius OFF spaces operate during 24 and 25 May, according to a specific timetable for each available presentation location.
The presentation’s length must not exceed 20 minutes.
- management responsibilities
The Imaginarius management shall only provide participants with:
2 locations inside the festival’s venue for presenting their work, one of which with a power outlet;
The possibility of “passing the hat around” for donations from the audience.
- artist responsibilities
The artist must respect the schedules defined for each space, in a process to be mediated by the management representative appointed for the purpose.
- performance hours
Artists can apply for up to two slots to perform on each day of the festival through the form available on the website: Any issue not covered by the rules of participation will be decided by the festival’s management, which may appoint a representative for this purpose.
- Other considerations
The festival’s management will define a map of possibilities of use for each of the OFF locations in the venue. These locations can be used in 60-minute intervals. Artists will be responsible for the contents of their presentation, which should be aimed at a family audience, adapting to the festival’s target audience. Failure to comply with this requirement will motivate their exclusion from the section and the cancellation of their remaining scheduled performances.
Artists will be solely responsible for their performance, as well as for all the technical and logistic requirements for its assembly, presentation and disassembly.
There will be no operational or logistical support for the assembly of the performances, which must be totally autonomous.